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  2. 3M™ Bair Hugger™ System
  3. 3M™ Ranger™ Blood and Fluid Warming System
Close up of the 3M™ Ranger™ Fluid Warming System

3M™ Ranger™ Fluid Warming System

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The 3M™ Ranger™ Blood and Fluid Warming System with SmartHeat technology adapts to virtually any fluid warming need from KVO to 30,000 mL per hour. A variety of disposable sets that meet your fluid warming needs, including high flow sets with automatic air elimination to help prevent a never event.
Both the 3M™ Ranger™ Blood and Fluid warming system and the 3M™ Ranger™ Irrigation Warming System offer intuitive, simple solutions to the most complex fluid warming needs. Need pressure infusion? Check out the 3M™ Ranger™ Pressure Infusion System.

3M™ Ranger™ Fluid Warming System products

3M™ Ranger™ Blood and Fluid Warming System

3M™ Ranger™ Systems safety features

Built-in safety features provide added protection.

  • Operating set point at 41°C
  • Audible and visible system alarms if fluid temperature exceeds 42°C
  • Audible and visible under-temperature alarms
  • Secondary alarm system provides fail-safe backup

The 3M™ Ranger™ Blood and Fluid Warming System safely warms fluids at flow rates up to 30,000 mL per hour. And, thanks to its advanced warming technology, the 3M™ Ranger™ System will maintain normothermic fluid temperatures in nearly every fluid delivery situation.


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